Well, my daily "Proposal" journal didn't work out. At all. And I thought I'd be able to keep it up. I guess rotating shifts make me very unmotivated to get on the computer at home, sometimes.

Either way, I have a night open tonight and with Thanksgiving being tomorrow, I'm here to say Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and family out there in the world. I love you all in one way or another and some of you, I miss dearly.

Five things I'm truly thankful for (in no particular order):

1_ My Health: I haven't caught a cold or any kind of virus yet, this fall. I'm hoping this continues through the winter season. I do not want to go through strep throat like I did last February. That may have been the worst I've felt. Ever.

2_ Twitter: Yes, I'm actually thankful for it. I've met so many great friends and have networked with some awesome photographers over the past year or so. I hope you all know how important you really are in my life. Because you are.

3_ My camera: I've gotten away from carrying my DSLR over the past few months, but only because my Droid X has a camera on it that's equal in megapixels and is more convenient. I've got to start carrying the DSLR around more. Either way, having a camera with me at all times is almost paramount to my existence. I see something beautiful everyday and if I couldn't share it with everyone in the world at some point, I'd feel very empty. I hate to admit that I depend on something materialistic to feel whole, but it's true. I'm truly thankful for my photographic abilities and even moreso, those that have helped me become the photographer I am. I'm indebted to them.

4_ Music: Even though the music that's getting made these days is crap, there are songs from my past I listen to over and over. On the rare occasion, I hear a new song I like. It gets added to my mp3 list at home and gets regular air-play on Winamp. I have specific music I listen to when I'm sad, when I'm upset, when I'm in a giddy mood and generally, when I'm in a good mood. Luckily, at least, recently, I've been in the last two categories. I've been listening to a lot of Kings of Leon, The Killers, and Fireflight.

5_ Family: This should go without saying, but I am so thankful for the best parents, sister, and brother-in-law in the world. We may nit-pick and argue from time-to-time, but I still love them and miss them immensely. On top of that, they mean more to me than anyone in the world.
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I really don't know how much I could go on and on and on, how much I've loved Martina McBride over the years. She's just simply an amazing woman. And it seems she's one of the rarities in that she's gotten better looking as time as gone. At least, I think so. Most of us know she's married and has 3 beautiful little girls, but still...

Martina, you could be my bride any day of the week.

Such a sweet woman, with a great heart. She cares so much for her fans and, in fact, most of humanity. Gives back with charity and doesn't let celebrity or fame get in the way of who she is or her family.

She's real. She's classy. And even though she's 44 years old, is still incredibly sexy. Oh, and add to the fact she has the most amazing voice I've ever heard in any music genre. It can send shivers up my spine and even make me emotional, at times.

I'm a long-time fan and always will be.
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Her role on one of my new favorite shows on cable television (Treme') really made her stand out. She plays "Annie" a striving street musician on the show and the music she plays on her violin is simply amazing. Lucia Micarelli is someone I would never have come across had the producers of Treme' never have given her a chance at acting. She's a classically trained violinist and a VERY talented one at that. And her acting isn't half bad, either. Watch the show and you'll find out. I'd recommend the show to anyone, especially, if you're a music lover.

Aside from her talents in music and acting, she's cute as hell and is probably as sweet as sweet can be. She just has that look. That "girl-next-door" look. That innocent look. I'm a sucker for all of the above.

Lucia, would you marry me? If not... Season 2 of Treme' couldn't get here soon enough!
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She often gets type-cast and, for the record, I hate that! Michelle Rodriguez doesn't particularly own the best acting chops, but she stands out in just about anything she's in. Which is why I like her, for the most part. When she does smile, it can be infectious. It's beautiful and it's too bad most directors don't let her do much of it in her movies.

She can act like a woman, if people could just see it. I actually own the movie "Blue Crush." A movie she was in, where she could actually wear a bikini because she was a girl. And not a slutty tom-boy (does that make sense?), like the rest of her movies.

It's the bad-girl attitude, that smile, the long hair, and especially, the curves that pull me in. I'm not positive we would be the best in compatibility, but still, I think I'd be a happy man if I could go to bed with her every night and to wake up with her every morning. ;)
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Let me count the ways Avril, why you and me would be better off together. ;)

1._ The black eye-liner.
2._ You're a rock-chick (sorta). She's more pop, I suppose.
3._ You're Canadian. The Canadian girls I've met have been very nice on the eyes. ;)
4._ Your "I-don't-give-a-shit-what-you-think-about-me" attitude.
5._ Your gorgeous eyes.
6._ Your smile.
7._ Your down-to-earth personality.
8._ Your voice. You haven't auto-tuned anything in your music. Yet...
9._ You can play the guitar.

And finally...

10._ You're cute. LOL!

A reason we may not be destined?

1._ Your age.
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